Initiating Group meeting, 29 August 2012


3:00 PM Klallam Kup
4:30 PM Oven Spoonful
6:30 PM Barhop

Facilitator: Hank
Notetaker: Neil
Time Keeper:
Feelings Watcher:
Scribe: [no scribing]

Part 1 — Business
Klallam Kup

1. Check-in
2. Announcements, TPA related
3. Announcements, Transition Network related
4. Appreciations
5. Approval of 22 August 2012 meeting notes
6. Agenda Review
7. Action Items Review

Part 2 — Deepening & Public Conversations
Oven Spoonful

1. Focus time: Crisis Scenario & Seeding Appropriate Responses

Part 3 — Ongoing Conversations & Business

1. Ongoing Conversations
a. Farmers’ Market Table & Outreach
b. Sept 29 public event at The Landing
c. Transition HQ — Location Development DTF progress/discussion
d. TPA outreach trip to Port Townsend
e. TPA outreach to Permaculture gathering
f. Adding new members to the IG……DTF formation??
g. Select new Director for Friends of TPA + Decide where to setup our bank account (…. if not FirstFed?)
h. Transition Training event in PA

2. New Business
a. Encouraging formation of working groups — Discuss IG “seeding” & temporary facilitation
b. Individual IG Members — Burnout Check-In

3. Next Meeting
4. Take-aways & next steps
5. Evaluation
6. Social


Hank, facilitator
Neil, notes
Lori, time keeper
Kaitlan, feelings watcher

Meeting started at 3:17

After the introductory business, continuing conversations began with a review of the August 27 event at the Library. The event was seen as a good step forward, with much positive energy. Appreciation was noted for those who spontaneously helped facilitate. Concerns were expressed about loose group process, set up, and in-meeting communication issues. Some fine-tuning is needed and the IG resolved “That public events are to have well-planned agenda, roles, and facilitation. The goal is to maintain a tradition of excellence. Each event will have a planning DTF for quality assurance.”

The PA Farmers Market table begins Saturday 9/1. Material for presentation was reviewed, and some additions suggested.

The David Spring/State Bank proposal event will take place 9/29 7 PM at the Landing.

A local real estate specialist is willing to help with the review of potential sites for Transition HQ. Some expressed concern against putting to much ‘sweat equity’ into a location on account of lack of occupancy rights. Visioning is needed for long-term facility needs.

The planning for the Port Townsend and Permaculture outreach road trips is being combined because of the likely closeness of the dates.

The discussion on growing the IG had three threads: expanding outreach materials, need for new media to reach PDN-alienated local people,  targeted recruitment opportunities through the outreach matrix of organizations and activities. It was decided to do recurring inventorying at public meetings.

There was an incomplete review of the retreat topic of Dealing with Fast Collapse due to Economic Crisis.

Selecting a new Director for Friends of TPA was deferred.

The Victoria trainer was interviewed on August 28. She was deemed to be highly competent. There needs to be a waiting list of attendees. Trainees will be best prepared by being familiar with The Transition Companion. A email will go out the TPA community.

The meeting with Transition Victoria members was very fruitful, introducing ideas such as decolonizing and empowerment. The economic leg of Transition has the greatest appeal in Victoria.

The meeting decided to have “Together, we are the solution” to be the tagline of Transition Port Angeles.

New business began with the determination to have the formation of working groups be an item of ongoing conversation.

It was also determined that a feelings-based check in around TPA involvement and possible burnout be included in future IG meetings. A conversation about IG meeting formats will be in the next meeting as well.

It was decided that the next community event in September would be a working session addressing what is going on that touches on TPA and how are we connected to that. This will be the beginning of inventorying at public meetings.

Bringing up a potluck was deferred.

The next IG meeting will be 4 PM, Wednesday, September 5 at Lori’s house. Food will be potluck. Andrew will facilitate (Neil will help prepare agenda). Lori will be note-taker.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45

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